Visualise data with napariΒΆ

When you open your SetOfFluoImages, it launches napari, a visualisation tool.


In the layer list on the left, you have all the images you just imported.

To visualise only one layer, you need to make the other invisible. Click on one layer, then select all of them with Ctrl+A, and make them invisible with Right-click > Toggle visibility. Now you can visualise one layer at a time by toggling its visibility with napari-eye.

Select a layer and adjust its constrast with the contrast limits slider.


Be carefull, the contrast is adjusted only for the layer selected!

If you want to apply the same contrast to all the images, you need to link the layers: Ctrl+A, Right-click > Link Layers.

See also

More in-depth explanations are available in the napari docs on the page using the image layer.